Dulce es, sin lugar a dudas, una de las artistas más queridas y reconocidas en México.
Su voz poderosa y única la ha hecho brillar en el escenario, logrando una carrera llena de éxitos desde los años 80. En los últimos tiempos, los rumores sobre su estado de salud han encendido las alarmas entre sus fanáticos. Pero hoy, no solo hablaremos de su brillante carrera artística, sino también de los secretos mejor guardados de su vida personal.
Desde sus momentos más oscuros hasta los amores que marcaron su vida, hay una historia que destaca: su intensa relación con Gonzalo Vega, un romance que rompió barreras y marcó su corazón para siempre. Pero eso no es todo. Su hija está lista para revelar detalles impactantes sobre la salud y vida personal de Dulce, secretos que hasta ahora habían permanecido ocultos. ¿Qué está pasando realmente? ¡No te pierdas este impactante video!
Bertha Elisa Noeggerath Cárdenas, widely known as Dulce, has died at the age of 69 due to health complications and emergency surgery. Her sister, Isabel Noeggerath, shared this heartbreaking news on social media on December 25th.
“Sister, you’re now with our mom in heaven, singing to her. I will miss you. Rest in peace. I love you,” Isabel wrote in her message.
The news was also confirmed by producer Omar Suárez and Televisa Espectáculos. Reporter Mario Manjarrez noted that efforts were made to reach out to her daughter Romina Marcoli amid the news of Dulce’s passing, but it was the producer who first announced the tragic update.
It was announced via her social media at the beginning of the month that she had been hospitalized and was in a delicate state of health. Her hospitalization resulted in the postponement of some of her performances.
“We know that the singer passed away early this morning. She had been suffering from lung issues and was on a strong medication regimen that worsened her health in the days leading up to her death, particularly due to kidney complications from intense treatment,” Manjarrez explained.
In July, Dulce celebrated her 69th birthday at the San Rafael Theater.
Just days before her passing, Dulce underwent pleuropulmonary decortication surgery, a crucial procedure due to complications from severe pneumonia affecting one of her lungs. The surgery involved removing fibrous tissue compressing the lung, aimed at restoring its function and offering her a fresh start in her life and career.
© Maritza RÃos / SecretarÃa de C
En el Zócalo capitalino se realizó un homenaje al príncipe de la canción José José.
After this challenging period, Dulce and her family opted for privacy. “Dear friends, media, and supporters, I want to share that, upon medical advice, I am hospitalized for a health issue that needs care and rest. I am at peace, in good hands, and hopeful for a full recovery,” she posted on Instagram.
The artist was known for hits such as ‘Tu muñeca’, ‘Lobo’ and ‘Déjame volver contigo.’